Do Email Newsletter Open Rates Matter?

Ever invited 100 people to a party and then only 20 show up? Kind of disappointing, isn’t it? You feel like you’re No Friends Simon. But actually… look at the 20 who did show up. Aren’t they your best friends? The people you’re closest too? The ones who really matter? Email newsletters are a lot…

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Typical Email Newsletter Open Rates – Two Answers

There are two answers to the question: what’s a typical email open rate? The first is correct but annoying; the second is a ball-park guess. For some reason, people tend to prefer the second. Answer 1: “It Depends” (Told you it was an annoying answer.) The thing is, it depends on who you are sending…

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Why Your Newsletter Must Be Relevant to Readers to Succeed

Here I go again: back to rule #1 – write for your readers. An interesting chart came along in the email today from Marketing Sherpa. It’s the results of benchmark survey. Highlight: the biggest reason (cited by 58% of respondents) why they stopped reading or unsubscribed from email newsletters was that they were not relevant to…

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Your Email List Is of Absolutely No Value to Me

One of the questions I get from potential new members of my real estate newsletter program  – the email version – is whether their list of clients will be safe if they upload them to my website. They’re afraid I – or someone else – will steal all the email addresses and sell them to…

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Too little, too late

You already know I’m a big fan of keeping in regular touch with clients and prospects. With clients, keeping in regular touch increases the likelihood they will stay as clients and that they will buy even more from you. With prospects, it gives them multiple chances to buy from you and increases the chances they…

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