How to Avoid Boring People with Your Newsletter

I went to my dentist this week. Great guy. Excellent dentist. Super team. He makes me want to floss. He also has a newsletter – at least he used to. I didn’t see it this time. I didn’t get to ask if it was working for him, but I suspect it wasn’t too well. Why?…

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Why Most Content Producers are Thinking of the Wrong Person

Content marketing – and that includes sending print and email newsletters – is becoming an essential part of the marketing arsenal. But this new chart from Marketing Sherpa shows that most marketers are getting it all wrong. They’re breaking Rule #1 of newsletters, not writing with their customer in mind. The chart shows that content that…

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How Much Content is Too Much Content?

I was asked an interesting question the other day by a Realtor who is part of my real estate newsletters program. He wants to include much more content on his website, but he wonders: is there such a thing as too much content? “I’d love to hear your suggestions on where to draw the line…

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