I like Vistaprint. They’ve done some very nice postcards for me – great for small runs.

They also have a smart marketing machine.

1) They encourage you to sign up to get emails from them with the bait of special discounts
2) They mail frequently – once every few days
3) They put great offers in these mails
4) They tie their offers to special events, eg Thanksgiving, Halloween – or they give a ‘reason why’ – they’ve launched their new website, etc
5) They encourage people in the door with free offers (although you pay a hefty shipping and processing charge), then they upsell you like crazy in the shopping cart process.
6) They keep showing up. Guess which online printer I think of first?
7) They have first rate copy in their mailings. It’s words that sell, of course – and they provide benefits, reasons why and great offers

But there’s one thing wrong.

Their discount strategy might work well at first, but long-time customers must be wise to it. Why pay full price when you know a discount is coming along in a few days?

But it must be working for them otherwise they wouldn’t keep doing it. Or would they?

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