In case you haven’t heard, the holiday season is upon us.

Trees, lights, gifts – and the airwaves are all jingle bells.

A few times a month I’m a volunteer on-air host at our local community radio station.

Now…I’m no Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh.

The stuff I talk about is the local bake sale, not politics.

Shock jock I ain’t.

Right now, there’s something extra to think about when I’m on air: the holiday music policy.

You see, the station has these rules about the number of Christmas songs that we can play. The quota started at one song per hour at the beginning of the month before ending as all-Christmas-all-the-time after 21st.

By then we’ll all have gone nuts with holiday cheer.

Sometimes, in circumstances like this, it pays to stand out.

When everything is Christmas, something different is like a breath of fresh air.

The same thing is true in business.

Most people copy each other. Business expert Dan Kennedy calls it “marketing incest”.

The trouble is, the things people are copying aren’t always all that great, so mediocrity leads to more mediocrity in a dismal downward spiral.

So think about this: how can you stand out?

How can you be different?

How can you cut through the jingle bells with a fresh message?

This weekend we make our January newsletters available. They’re a fresh start for a new year.

That’s the perfect time to be different, make your mark…and win more clients.


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