The Best Real Estate Website Builders

If you’re looking to increase your presence online, there’s only one thing left to do after dialing in that social media profile and reaching out to your contacts: build your own website. Sure, you could always direct people to that hard-to-find profile page in some random corner of the web, but if you want to…

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How To Get Great Reviews On Social Media

Customer reviews are a powerful thing. Think about the times you’ve been unsure about making a purchase or buying a service and then followed through with the decision because other customers’ glowing reviews gave you the confidence to pull the trigger. Today’s customers are tech-savvy and informed. In a world where 85% of consumers trust…

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Do you know what Google is saying about you?

Consumers in 2020 are much more prone to doing research before making decisions about what to buy and who to trust. Even when someone is a contact of yours, they still won’t know that they can turn to you when they’re thinking about using the kind of services you provide if you haven’t highlighted your…

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Finding Real Estate Leads During the COVID 19 Pandemic

Having killed more than 400,000 people worldwide, and 110,000 in the United States alone, COVID-19 is a once-in-a-lifetime event that is reshaping the way nearly every industry is doing business, and real estate is no exception. During the lockdown many open houses were simply cancelled, and the market stalled for a time as no one…

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Free Stock Images That Don’t Suck

Looking for top notch photos or images for your marketing, but don’t want to pay for them? Unsplash, Pexels and Pixabay are saviors for free stock photography. There are no limits or restrictions to their downloads and, together, there are easily over 1 million+ exquisite images to search from. And the beauty of it is that it won’t cost you a thing.

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Waste an hour? Make a Donation

Here’s a neat tool I found the other day. You know how it is. You’re working, and you think – hey, I haven’t checked Facebook/the news/YouTube for a while. And so off you go on an unproductive odyssey. If you’re anything like me, you do it all too often. So here’s a website that can…

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One way to put video in your newsletter

I was at Infusionsoft’s annual user conference in Scottsdale last week, and a straw poll among the audience found that people were split 50-50 over whether they preferred reading text or watching videos online (particularly when it came to sales websites). What’s clear is that you cannot afford to ignore video when half your audience…

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Newsletter Delivery: Local Newspaper vs. Direct Mail

Here’s an interesting anecdote from one of the members of my real estate newsletter service in Ontario, Canada. This real estate agent uses his newsletter for lead generation (by mass mailing it) and to keep in touch with past clients. For the first seven months he was a member, the newsletter was delivered in the…

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How to Get Free Articles and Pictures for Your Newsletter Using Creative Commons

As you know, it’s not a good idea to copy articles from the internet and use them in your newsletter. There’s a good chance you’ll be breaking copyright. And anyway, it’s not cool to use other people’s work in your newsletter without asking. There are, however, many authors and photographers who are happy for you…

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How to Sign Up People for Your Newsletter on Your Website

I was asked yesterday for instructions about how to sign up people for your newsletter using your website. So I figured it would be a good idea to share them on this blog. Why You Need to Sign Up People on Your Website I’m continually surprised by how few people, even those who use my…

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Why Hibernating in Tough Times is a Bad Strategy

Thankfully, it’s summer right now. But winters here in Ontario can be frigid. It’s no wonder the bears go to sleep and wait it out. Unlike the chickadees, which are busy hunting for food, even in blood-freezing temperatures. I’m here to tell you this: during tough times, be a chickadee, not a bear. This isn’t…

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Useful Product: Fedex Kinko’s Print Online

Here’s a useful service that might help you print your newsletters. Fedex Kinko’s allows you to upload your document, have it printed and then shipped back to you (or anywhere else you choose). Or you can go to the nearest store and pick it up. Saves having to visit a copy shop twice – you…

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Great Resource: Online document conversion

I just tried out, which converts documents of one type into an other. You just upload your document, select what format you want to convert it to and then wait. The site emails you back with a link you can use to download your document. It took about 30 minutes to receive a 4-page…

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