Oh what fun it is to set up a home wireless network!
It’s even more fun when you need an extra router to extend the network’s range.
So many boxes and flashing lights.
So many things to go wrong.
But it got me thinking…
Your newsletter is your own range extender! Just like the range extender router I have.
Here’s what I mean.
I mentioned yesterday that building long-term relationships is a key to success – more listings, more referrals, more business overall.
But you can’t spare time to have coffee every month with 500 people.
That’s why a newsletter can be super helpful.
You can use it to extend your relationship from a few to many.
Here’s how…
Put in useful content that shows you know what you are talking about.
Add some entertaining tidbits so you’re not banging on about real estate all the time.
And then pepper it with some of your own personality.
What you have at the end of all this is your own range extender.
Multiplying your signal and winning more business.
Here’s where to get your own newsletter that you can edit as much as you wish.