Typical Email Newsletter Open Rates – Two Answers

There are two answers to the question: what’s a typical email open rate? The first is correct but annoying; the second is a ball-park guess. For some reason, people tend to prefer the second. Answer 1: “It Depends” (Told you it was an annoying answer.) The thing is, it depends on who you are sending…

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How to Avoid Boring People with Your Newsletter

I went to my dentist this week. Great guy. Excellent dentist. Super team. He makes me want to floss. He also has a newsletter – at least he used to. I didn’t see it this time. I didn’t get to ask if it was working for him, but I suspect it wasn’t too well. Why?…

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Your Clients Want Smiles not Frowns – an Antidote to CNN’s Doom and Gloom

A request from a new member of my real estate newsletters service came in yesterday. (As he’s new, he doesn’t know I do this already…but it’s always good to be reminded.) He said he is looking for newsletter articles as an antidote to his clients. For example, the headlines in the newspapers show doom and…

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Why Most Content Producers are Thinking of the Wrong Person

Content marketing – and that includes sending print and email newsletters – is becoming an essential part of the marketing arsenal. But this new chart from Marketing Sherpa shows that most marketers are getting it all wrong. They’re breaking Rule #1 of newsletters, not writing with their customer in mind. The chart shows that content that…

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How to Use Newsletters to Bring in New Business

I was asked by a member of my insurance newsletters service last week about the best way to use newsletters to bring in new business. Here’s what I will tell him. Of course, this applies to any business – not just insurance. Why Newsletters Work to Bring in New Business Newsletters are most famously used…

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Why Your Newsletter Must Be Relevant to Readers to Succeed

Here I go again: back to rule #1 – write for your readers. An interesting chart came along in the email today from Marketing Sherpa. It’s the results of benchmark survey. Highlight: the biggest reason (cited by 58% of respondents) why they stopped reading or unsubscribed from email newsletters was that they were not relevant to…

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